Juan José Cánovas, asked the audience to assess the applications, history, party platforms and vote in conscience
In his tour of all neighborhoods and districts of Totana, candidates from IU-Greens, arrived Monday night at Town of Alta was to offer the residents of Government proposals and gathering feedback from the attendees.
On this occasion, presented the rally, Ginés Pérez, candidate number 10 coming from that district, west of the town of Totana.
Highlighted the City Council candidate, the solvency of the nomination submitted by IU-Greens and the need to adopt a General Plan by consensus and dialogue that benefits all totaneros.
For his part, Juan Valero, beat out proposals for IU-Greens' Employment and Public Participation, explaining the reasons why, along with a group of candidates have been incorporated into the bid, without direct military IU .
"There is a pressing need for the residents to participate in politics, beyond voting every four years ..." said Professor of Philosophy at the Instituto Juan de la Cierva.
For his part, Juan Jose Canovas, told attendees that he was a worker and neighborhood residents, who participates in politics to improve the lives of neighbors, as well as colleagues who are part of the application UI -Green in Totana.
"Our priority is employment and economic development, diversification of the economy, the dialogue between political groups, transparency and Neighbors prominence in public life ..." said Cánovas.
"The City Council should be an effective tool to tackle the great challenges that lie ahead and get Totana of this situation, and he flew.
For that, you need a turn, that only you and you really can do with your drive and your vote on May 22 ... "concluded the IU-Greens candidate.
At the end of surgery, Cánovas, gave the floor to attendees, who inquired about issues of Electoral Programme of IU-Greens and offered opinions on the current operation of the City of Totana.
Source: IU-verdes Totana