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El Colegio La Milagrosa de Totana is launching a campaign to help victims of the earthquake Lorca (13/05/2011)

Following the earthquake in Lorca on Wednesday, and in order to meet the needs that are occurring in the "Garden of the Wheel", where over 3000 refugees, the Colegio La Milagrosa de Totana, where intended to educate on solidarity and sharing with the needy, has launched a campaign to collect food and articles of prime necessity, and offer their spaces, in case they were needed.

As reports from the management, having made the speech with the coordinators of emergency, the products they need are:

- Milk and cookies

- Feminine hygiene products

- Baby diapers in sizes 3 and 4

- Jars

- Any canned product

- Water and bread

- Blankets and warm clothes

The school will remain open during the weekend to go collect the products.

"A caring church, a school solidarity remains aloof about the situation of the context that surrounds it. We rely on a generous response."

Source: Colegio La Milagrosa

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