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Totana Civil Protection collaborates in the work of logistic support after the earthquake that struck yesterday Lorca (12/05/2011)

A dozen Civil Defence volunteers are participating Totana since yesterday afternoon in the emergency device in the work of logistical support in the district of San Cristobal, which is the area that has been assigned, after the two earthquakes that shook the city of Lorca and caused at least eight dead.

Volunteers from the Association of Civil Protection, with two vehicles, set up a tent in the neighborhood of San Cristobal de la Ciudad del Sol, where they have been doing work throughout the early care and assistance to seniors, children and the sick, and distribution of blankets, food and water to those affected.

In addition, they have also done relief work and derivation of wounded to medical facilities and hospitals, and the evacuation of affected buildings and homes.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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