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Residents of the Glen and San Jose attended so large to hear the proposals of IU-Greens (11/05/2011)

"About 200 people in the neighborhood of San Jose, attended the rally organized by IU-Greens was held at the Cañada Zamora, occupying an area of ​​road as a symbol of recovery from the streets to the residents", according to reports from IU -Green said in a statement

The event, presented by Juan Antonio Martinez, had as speakers Pedro Martínez-current IU spokesman in the Town Hall, Juan Valero Sánchez, Professor of Philosophy, No. 2 in the nomination and the candidate for mayor, Juan José Canovas.

The participants, residents of the area, given the heat of the residents also attend the rally, worked in the suffrage campaign, buying bonds to help finance the election campaign of IU-Greens, as a novelty and symbol of transparency.

Pedro Martinez, said the preparation of the candidacy of IU, the IU-Greens bid for jobs and economic development and the importance of citizens to vote en masse on May 22 to produce positive change.

For his part, Juan Valero, explained the reasons which have led many people to join the ranks of IU-Greens in Totana, and commitment to bring its stake in overcoming the crisis that the City is critical in reducing unemployment exceeding 30% in the municipality.

The candidate for mayor, called for the vote of the residents of San Jose to be agents of change necessary to bury the fighting and the mismanagement of recent years.

"These people must be known for its economic advance, by the employment of young people, their quality of life, to have some neighborhoods with quality of life and his commitment to social care ..." summed up in his speech Juan Jose Canovas .

Source: IU-Verdes Totana

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