Just started the campaign, the candidate of the United Left-Greens calls upon other political parties to develop a clean and constructive campaign, "with the sole purpose of pushing through the City and the town of Totana. In this sense, the debate and explanation of the electoral programs should be directed, in our opinion, to achieve a great deal the day after the elections on the three most serious problems we have today the totaneros: unemployment, urban planning and municipal debt. "
"We also reiterate the other parties and the media our readiness to conduct public debates among various candidates for citizens to know the proposals of all of them first hand. By the way, it would save much money at this time of hardship necessary economic and exemplary by the political parties, "added from IU-Greens.
United Left Greens believe that this "grand bargain" should also incorporate citizens through their representatives in the various professional and social associations.
It is essential that from now on, we include all totanera society so that, together with the councilors of different political parties involved in the diagnosis and solution of problems and challenges that have raised Totana.
"Because we have the firm conviction and determination that this situation can get out if we all pitch in, if we are able to discuss the approach of looking for positions in lieu of the disqualification of the other, if we do not exclude anyone from the agreements and if, in practice, we at City Hall and the town first and main objective. "
"It's time for the policy of truth, time to reach basic agreement on a climate of reasoned debate and understanding. The current situation requires political parties and high-minded vision. Totana all want to take a forward, we do not doubt. Now is the time to prove "they conclude from IU-Greens Totana.
See poster attached report:
Source: IU-verdes. Foto: Totana.com