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The PP candidate announces, among the proposals for education, construction of a new municipal kindergarten (04/05/2011)

The PP candidate for Mayor, María Isabel Sánchez Ruiz has announced, among the proposals offered in Education, construction of a new municipal nursery on the site where it is now the nursery "Clara Campoamor" infrastructure more modern, with more rooms on two floors and more human and material resources.

Sanchez has made some proposals on education policy among which emphasizes consensus on a Local Compact for Education which promotes the involvement and coordination of all actors involved in the fight against neglect, failure and truancy.

The PP candidate said his party is the one who has invested in Education in the history of democracy in Totana, of which 10 million corresponded to the legislature, and undertook, with the help of Ministry of Education of the Autonomous Community, to ensure equal opportunities from a quality education, universal and based on the principles of academic freedom.

He explained that the PP is going to manage the expansion of the school Santa Eulalia with the plot which houses the headquarters of the Guardia Civil, devoting the rest of the plot to build a municipal park once it is initiated by the relocation of the headquarters to the dependencies.

Sánchez Ruiz announced that it will launch the new school "La Cruz" in the "La Ramblica" and completed the expansion of the school classrooms-Deitania District.

Will develop a program of study aids at all educational levels to support the education of members of disadvantaged families in the municipality, and the replacement of textbooks with other materials, the enhancement of school library and use of new technologies.

The popular candidate said he will contribute to strengthening the role and figure of the teacher to develop all possible means to encourage appreciation and respect for their contribution to society.

Similarly, announced that transform and adapt the old school of La Cruz in a complex multi-disciplinary advocacy and educational resources, enabling him to participate as community infrastructure and social development and education.

The PP is planning to increase the Official Language School of Totana providing it with appropriate infrastructure and improve adult education and infrastructure programs.

Source: PP Totana. Fotos: Totana.com / Video: Totana.TV

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