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The Mayor and Councillor Services meet service workers refuse collection and street cleaning (24/02/2011)

The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, and Councilman Services, Sergio López, met with workers in the waste collection service and street cleaning to know how it is performing the process of adapting to the new contractor, UTE "Infrastructure-Licuas Tarancón SA."

Martínez Andreo recalled that the City and the company have made a great effort not to lay off any workers and get them all to be surrogates.

The mayor has indicated that it will maintain the quality of service provided so far, all the jobs of current employees and "the most important thing will be a saving of 400,000 euros with respect to the former licensee for municipal coffers."

In this sense, explained that one of the reductions made in the service has been not to pick up trash on Saturday night, as is done in many municipalities.

Totanero Mayor has indicated that this process of recruitment and subrogation of the current contract has been by consensus and has been working for the service to be present at the highest level of quality.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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