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The council awarded the construction of the Social Center of the San Jose (24/02/2011)

The Local Government recently awarded the construction of the new community center that will be launched in the district of San Jose in front of the school.

The works, which have a budget of 300,000 euros, will be carried out by the company "Hermanos Gómez, SCL.

This community center will have two multipurpose rooms, restrooms and offices, among other agencies, in a constructed area of 400 meters.

The works to be executed within a maximum period of ten months, will begin next week.

Thus, as the mayor pointed Planning, María José Bedia, will meet one of the goals set by the government team in the legislature.

As they have been sent to the neighbors on several occasions, Bedia has recognized that the construction of this social have had problems, but eventually the neighbors will see how to build an adequate infrastructure to their demands and needs.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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