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A public space of the municipality shall have the name of "Housewives" (21/02/2011)

A public space of the municipality will have the name of "Housewives" in recognition of social promotion in the family of this group.

Mayor's motion, which will be discussed at the February plenary to be held on Thursday 24, proposes that in addition to publicly acknowledge the work being done by various associations of Totana housewives in their respective spheres of action for our society.

In this sense, the Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, explained that the group of housewives have and plays a fundamental role in society, and that work to care for and educate children, care for family dependents, working to reconcile work and family and help support the family with no known work, among other facets, they are never well known socially.

Thus, recalled that the role of women within households, although many considered natural, a great value in the functioning of society, and the articulation of these through partnerships is an important step in achieving their aspirations and personal and collective rights.

In the town of Totana long operating with a wide and diverse activity, the Association of Housewives, Consumers and Users "Three Hail Marys," the Association of Amas de Casa de El Raiguero "Let's start walking", the Association The Rural Women Raiguero Under the Housewives Association Lebor, the Association of Amas and Amos House "As-Da 'and the Sociocultural Association of Women Totanera.

Housewives of our town, as recognized by the mayor, are associated with for years through various associations in the city of Totana and the hamlets of El Paretón, Lebor and the Raiguero, respectively, in order to make their members and players in their place to try to meet their expectations for training, cultural, social and leisure, among others.

Martínez Andreo has indicated that "his work is to claim association with their daily work and daily life, the important role of women in society and foster communication and relationship between all and the advancement of women."

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: archivo Totana.com

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