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Juan Francisco Otálora shows its full support to sports associations (18/02/2011)

Juan Francisco Otálora, PSOE candidate for mayor, met on Wednesday 16 February, along with other councilors, with the sports associations of Totana.

Juan Francisco at the meeting expressed its full support to these associations, "which mostly have been harmed by not receiving subsidies or support from the PP."

"The representatives of the latter showed his displeasure with the current government's decision to celebrate the end of the Tour in Totana, because this event will cost about around 120,000 €, while the sport of the municipality has not received aid this year," PSOE officials said in a statement totanero.

On the other hand, the PSOE de Totana believes necessary to adapt the urban infrastructure for both children and adults can enjoy the sport and engage in it, parks with different devices for exercise or a bike lane, are some of the proposals.

Juan Francisco stressed at the meeting "has been adopted several times in the full development of a bike lane, but never carried out."

The Socialist Party believes revive vital aid to sports clubs, offering local buses or the necessary infrastructure for operations that want to undertake, since it is well known the importance of sport for adults and children.

"The meeting of Juan Francisco Otálora with the sports associations of our people is part of a series of meetings that the candidate will conduct, with all the associations of Totana, until the end of March. Their intention is to publicize the situation and listen these needs first hand, "he concludes.

Source: PSOE Totana. Foto: archivo Totana.com

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