The plenary debate on Thursday 27 January about a dozen proposals among which the implementation of a road in the Industrial Park and the start of the record of Son Miguel Porlán "Chendo" former Real Madrid.
The Department of Industry proposes implementing a stretch of road linking the roundabout at the Industrial Park, across the street Balson Guillen, roundabout access to those facilities "Sources" and the overpass of the railway with the National Highway 340.
In addition, Social Welfare, together with health and education, raise two motions to the full through which shows the proposal to improve the distribution of foreign students in local schools in order to promote their integration, and adhere to the disclosure document for equal opportunities for people with rare diseases of the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases.
Also present a proposal on the initial approval of the ordinance regulating the power to impose penalties on Public Safety.
During the plenary, the corporate will also see the proposal of granting the Gold Shield Totana City Football Club Olympic de Totana.
On the other hand, the Municipal People's Party will debate a motion to urge the National Government to actually apply to the "Law of Equal Treatment in all the Autonomous Communities, and also asked the Central Government to develop a third Plan E for the payment of local government debt to suppliers.
Also, the proposal raises a 24-hour opening public libraries and study rooms during the university exams and installation of cages for parking and bike storage in schools.
In addition, the Municipal Group Los Verdes UI + leads to a motion on the full support of the City to the protests of public employees in the region and demand that the Government of Valcárcel to withdraw the rights-cutting measures adopted by the Regional Assembly , and a proposal to request the National Government to reitre Royal Decree Law 14/2010 on the cut the remuneration to photovoltaic energy production.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana