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The Athletic Club runs Totana rare diseases (26/01/2011)

The morning of Sunday 23 January took place in Alicante land the XXII edition of the International Half Marathon "Villa de Santa Pola, took part test where over 7000 participants and was well represented P JC Athletic Club, whose athletes ran the test in support of Rare Diseases, action along with the race organized by the Club in conjunction with the Association D'Genes on 26 February, is within the framework of activities of the World Day for Rare Diseases, to be held February 28.

More than a score were totanero Club athletes who took part in the race, supporting the cause.

At 10:30 h, with a fairly cool temperature and little wind, came out of the test, to be quite slow during the first few miles because of the mass of athletes who were on the streets of the town of Alicante.

The circuit, as in previous years, was very fast, being mostly at sea level and a large public environment in many sections of it.

Regarding the performance of the PCB is made great brands, and was one of the clubs with more athletes coming to the finish.

Thus, Fulgencio Garcia was the first athlete of the Club who crossed the line, stopping the clock in a time of 1h: 23:13.

It was followed by Eduardo Lucas, who finished the race in 1h: 25:15, thus lowering both athletes their best records in the half marathon distance.

The third totanero to arrive was Pedro Antonio Redondo, with a time of 1:26:17, and so were coming over twenty athletes CAT.

You can provide a framework in support of Rare Diseases, this test was the first calendar LV Speedway organized by the Club and will have its second test scoring on 13 February with the Half Marathon "Orihuela City."

After these, the third day and first career scoring local calendar is February 26, with the conclusion of the race for Rare Diseases "Virgen de La Paloma" test performed in support of D'genes and Murcia ERDF, with the help of D'Genes Totana, Totana City Council, and Mormaii Aquadeus.

It has also enabled a DORSAL 0, where any interested person may make a donation for the benefit of D'Genes in the account number 2100-2759-28-0200069606 of La Caixa, indicating by way race for ER. "

To see all the test information, registration, awards ..

you can visit the club website www.clubatletismototana.com

Source: Club Atletismo Totana

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