Totana City Council will join the commemoration of World Day for Rare Diseases and manifest its commitment to the document entitled "Declaration on equality of opportunity" through a motion to be debated in full in January, held the Thursday January 27.
On 28 February 2011 will be held on World Day for Rare Diseases, the day dedicated solely to those affected by diseases of low prevalence worldwide.
From the Department of Health and Citizenship is recalled that the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases (ERDF), founded in 1999, is a nonprofit organization run entirely by affected and currently brings together more than 160 associations patients, representing more than 900 different diseases and, more importantly, acting on behalf of all patients (with diagnosis or waiting for him) to suffer from these diseases: 3 million affected in Spain.
Since 2008, the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases (ERDF), an organization representing an organization representing the voice of people with rare diseases, joins the European Organisation for Rare Diseases (EURODIS) and all participating organizations world to celebrate World Day of People with Rare Diseases.
For this reason, FEDER Spanish promote this Declaration on Equal Opportunities for People with Rare Diseases in order to raise awareness among managers, professionals, researchers, companies and generally to Public Opinion on the need for transformative measures ensuring the protection of their rights, equal treatment and opportunities while ending with social discrimination, health, education and employment who suffer in different CCAA of Spain.
To this end, the Spanish Federation for Rare Diseases Spanish publish this statement on Equal Opportunities for People with Rare Diseases, through which governments seek to raise awareness among professionals, researchers, businesses and general public opinion the importance of working together to save the lives of many people and ensure the protection of their rights.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: archivo