Commonwealth Tourism Espuña, whose presidency he currently holds the town of Totana, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the General Directorate of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, met with entrepreneurs in the tourism sector to develop its activities in the Natural Park in order to present the initial analysis and the roadmap prior to the implementation of the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism.
The purpose of it, as declared by the council of the Environment, Trinidad Cayuela Crespo, is to "establish and promote a series of policies for sustainable use of natural areas of the park, to support the social and economic development environment through dialogue and shared responsibilities among all actors involved. "
The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, whose implementation has been driven by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism with the support of the General Directorate of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity, is one of the main priorities envisaged in the Spanish Tourism Plan Horizon 2020 and would a competitive advantage Espuña, which would thus become the first natural area in the region in obtaining the certificate.
The project, which is in its second development phase will involve the development of a series of ecotourism sustainable tourism products, ie environmentally surrounding them, guaranteed through the implementation of a number of quality brands that provide greater customer satisfaction and greater long term benefit to the employer.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Foto: archivo