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Totana Mayor and Council of Pedanías, Agriculture and Consumer Services this morning visited the areas most affected by the waterspout (19/08/2010)

In the town there have been a total of 33 liters per square meter

The Mayor of Totana, José Martínez Andreo, and council of the villages and Agriculture, John Pagan, and Services, Sergio Lopez, this morning visited the areas most affected by the downpour that has shocked this morning to the municipality, especially in the hamlet of El Paretón-Cantareros.

Have visited the areas most Drainage problems have been analyzed and, together with the municipal engineers and emergency services, as has been the condition of crops, roads and housing.

The problems, as explained by the mayor, have been recorded mainly in the roads of the hamlet and village in the municipality and to troubleshoot and fine-tune these areas have been used to fund municipal crews have been hired several companies to bring the most affected by rain.

Specifically, the downpour has flooded several homes in the village and there have been problems in the waste water collection and in the rural areas of the dry and the Coast.

Throughout the morning, municipal technicians, along with the mayor of the villages and agriculture, have traveled throughout the area, first, solve the problems caused by rain, and, secondly, make a report and thus lead to encamindadas out actions that this situation does not reoccur.

The municipality has been recorded up to 33 liters per square meter have fallen in less than an hour, but the rain has provided after 8:30 pm.

Emergency services in the town have had to cut several ways by the rainfall in less than two hours, among others, has been restricted to vehicles on the road and the Rambla El Colmenar Cemetery.

Additionally, Totana Civil Protection and Local Police have had to evacuate two vehicles were trapped under the national underground 340.

Martínez Andreo recalled that there were no major problems in the town thanks to the network for rainwater and sewage and infrastructure that have been launched over the last three years to prevent flooding.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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