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More than a score of students taking the course at the Universidad Internacional del Mar "Abortion: Ethics and Law" (14/07/2010)

The course "Abortion: Ethics and Law", offered by the Universidad Internacional del Mar, in which more than twenty students, was opened this morning by the Councillor for Education, Trini Cayuela, and the Vice Chancellor for University Extension the UMU, Guillermo Diaz, Sociocultural Center "Jail."

This is the third time that the municipality is taught a course at the University of the Sea and has been widely accepted by professionals and students of the University of Murcia and Cartagena, and a total of 23 people are participating in working hours for completion on 16 July.

Through the course on "Abortion: ethics and law", which will be held from 14 to 16 July, aims to address various legal issues, ethical and health that arise in sexual and reproductive health, and in which impact on the voluntary interruption of pregnancy.

It will also address new LO 2 / 2010, which will come into force on 5 July.

The training sessions will continue tomorrow with a lecture on sexuality and abortion in the new Organic Law 2 / 2010 of sexual and reproductive health and abortion, with the help of Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of Murcia, Magnolia Pardo.

Then will decide by the Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, UMU, Francisco Machado, the "Marco Science: physical defects and abortion."

In the afternoon, the film "Juno" for further discussion.

On Thursday 15 from 9:30 am to take place the paper "Does ethical justification for abortion?"

given by Fernando Navarro Aznar, Professor of Philosophy of Law, University of Murcia.

In addition, held the talk "models compared" the hand of Isabel Casanova, head of Constitutional Law at the University of Murcia.

In the afternoon, and by the criminal law professor at the University of Murcia, Jaime Peris, will be held the talk "criminal forensic model of abortion" and by Eduardo Javier Osuna, Professor of Forensic Medicine, the paper "Information and consent."

On Friday morning will begin with the presentation "The right to parenthood and abortion," the hand of Professor of Civil Law at the University of Murcia, Juan Antonio Fernandez and "Conscientious Objection and abortion," directed by José Ramón Hernández Salcedo, director Center for Studies in Biolaw, Ethics and Health.

Finally, by the afternoon we will table discussion "Sexuality, reproduction and abortion the way forward" that would involve experts in the field.

The mayor of Totana Education has stressed that, within the educational project that the government team was marked at the beginning of the legislature, opted for the development of the activities of the Universidad Internacional del Mar in the municipality and the educational background of their students .

Thus, approaches the locals to the University, while tourism is promoted through training courses given by experts and professionals in the region and beyond, since the programs on offer is an opportunity to witness the charm of this town, developing leisure activities, along with debate and discussion on topics of great training today.

This agency, part of the University of Murcia, in addition to the course will also teach "The philosophy and practical knowledge, paideia and art of thinking" from 15 to 17 September.

These two courses, 20 hours, to be honored for 2 elective credits may be carried out by students, graduates and people interested in the topic that are not linked to academic studies at a set price of 65 euros, and will to apply for registration on the web www.um.es / unite, where you will find more information about the content and their development.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana. Fotos: Totana.com

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