Win Totana: "It is essential to mobilize citizens to demand that Adif remove the path that is detrimental to the public interest of the municipality and stop these outrages on the properties of our neighbors"
After the success and the hope of the agreement unanimously approved the motion of urgency that Ganar Totana raised to the plenary session last night, to which was attached an amendment of the Popular Party, this morning the regional press again alerted us with the news that Adif has published a list of new affected in the municipality.
In this case it is the High Voltage Line to feed the AVE catenary that Adif plans from the energy substation of the Industrial Estate to Lorca.
Numerous neighbors are affected by this new electrical infrastructure as it passes through the municipality through the area of ​​Torremocha, Ñorica and Lébor, until connecting with Lorca.
"From Ganar Totana we show our great concern about the rapidity with which Adif, with the approval of the Ministry of Public Works, is carrying out these maneuvers of outrage against the rights of citizens in Totana, and we call for citizen mobilization, both the members of the Platform of Affected Persons, as well as the rest of the population in general, since this infrastructure and this new layout seriously harms the public interest of all totaneros without any benefit. "
They affirm.
"In this town we have a clear example of how with the struggle and the union of the neighbors we can win, as it was done many years before the announcement of the closure of our train station and people went to the Ways to avoid it by making it possible for us to continue counting on this fundamental public service.The "fight" with Adif will be hard, but if the City Council, through its representatives and citizens, go hand in hand, we can achieve the common goal. "
Ensures Win Totana.
Source: Ganar Totana - IU / Vídeo: