"Upon arrival at the City Hall of Juan José Cánovas, the debt accumulated by the Government of the PP with MCT amounted to € 7,676,790 plus interest, the impulse to approve the Adjustment Plan and benefit from the Ordination Funds, has allowed reduce debt drastically, one more sample of the work that now bears fruit "
In the newspaper La Verdad of yesterday, the Public Body of Commonwealth of Channels of the Taibilla, announces an improvement of its accounts, among other reasons, by the great effort of the City of Totana in these years that has reduced its debt for the purchase of water since 2015, having been almost up-to-date in the payments for the purchase of the high water, as a joint municipality.
"This news comes to show that the impulse decided to stabilize the debt and fulfill commitments designed by the Mayor of Ganar Totana since June 2015 is paying off and not only in the debt with MCT. Totana and Moratalla, has been reduced considerably in recent times, moving economic danger away from the unpaid. "
The reduction to the minimum of the Debt with Commonwealth of Channels of the Taibilla, objective almost impossible in 2015, is today a reality by the clear decision of "giving air to the municipal accounts", showing seriousness and commitment in the taking of measures with the Ministry of the Treasury and the General Directorate of the Treasury, which has also made it possible for the City of Totana to receive the totality of the State Taxes (€ 535,000 / month) that came to be retained in full due to delays in the approval of the Plan of Adjustment.
Since winning Totana IU, they state that "these results are the result of the political and financial strategy carried out by the Left Government Team, driven by Ganar Totana, with Juan José Cánovas at the head, who from the first moment opted for to commit to the Ministry of Finance and benefit from the Funds of Ordination that have allowed in the first two years the refinancing of the debt, the reduction by means of millions of dollars, the payment of loans and interest arrears to the banks or the payment of accumulated millionaire sentences in the 12 years of bad Government of the PP ".
Source: Ganar Totana - IU