"Since Win Totana, we have always been clear that our priority is people, and that banks can wait"
In the full past of March, he noticed the intervention repairs formulated in the first months of 2017.
During the first stage of the legislature, due to the bad economic situation and also after the incorporation of the interventor who occupied the position for a few months, numerous objections were made to the then Mayor of Ganar Totana, Juan José Cánovas.
Such repairs consist of the application of the modified article 135 of the constitution by means of which it is requested that the payment to the banks be prioritized over any other question, which in a town hall in the situation in which Totana was located, would have meant leaving pay payroll, social spending, water, electricity, suppliers.
In June 2015, we found a strike by the Road Cleaning and Garbage Collection workers who were owed 4 months of wages (a problem that was solved and since then they have not lost their salaries for a month), a City Council with debts of millions of euros in arrears to banks for unpaid and delinquent interest payments and arrears, service companies, works and suppliers or institutions, such as the Mancomunidad de Canales del Taibilla or Iberdrola that announced a cutoff of supply in several municipal offices and Colleges, with which there were many commitments made by the City Council to deal with before the bank debt.
In the summer of 2011, Popular and Socialist Party modified the aforementioned article 135 of the Constitution and since then, the absolute priority in the payments of public administrations is with banking and financial interests, which gave way to austericide and legalized massive cuts in education, health, social rights, etc. and puts local entities with a bad financial situation on the ropes.
"From Ganar Totana, we were always clear that our priority is people, and banks can wait, being Mayor Juan José Cánovas, assumed the great responsibility of" lifting those objections "and ordering a priority of payments in which the principle was fulfilled Since then, practically all of the payments would have objections to the intervention and procedure of "lifting those objections" under the responsibility of the Mayor, in parallel, work was being done to regularize the debt with the banks that Nowadays it is normalized and it is the reason why the current Mayor does not need to use this procedure because there are no arrears in the debt with the banks or unpaid interest. "
The Court of Accounts, demands and asks for explanations about these repairs and for having paid against the Priority of Payments that will be ordered by article 135 of the Spanish Constitution.
For these reasons, the previous Mayor, had to give account to the Plenary of his performance to "skip the objections of intervention" and justify those orders against the Magna Carta, which mandates first pay the debt and interest with banks before people .
"Ganar Totana has not hesitated to make complicated decisions in the difficult task of" giving air "to the Municipal Finances, which was achieved with hard work and responsibility, thanks to which we now begin to see that these economic activities are bearing fruit and We will continue trying that the City Council does not get out of the path of recovery that has been so difficult to initiate during two years of tireless efforts, as well as the certainty and tranquility that, despite the complexity and the risks assumed, Ganar Totana was always faithful to its principles, and is that for this group, people are and always will be first. "
Source: Ganar Totana IU