The motion of the Municipal Socialist Group, in which Ganar Totana-IU abstained, intends that the Ministry of Finance provide mechanisms so that the City of Totana can deal with the loans it has formalized to date.
As they have stated from the PSOE, this is an essential measure for the City of Totana, given the large size of its financial debt, has an alternative to be able to meet the payments of these loans, with the aim of offering the better possible service to the citizens, as well as enabling the maintenance of the improper competences assumed by the City Council, being these Education, Social Services and Health, as well as the current expense generated from the maintenance of the City.
Likewise, they point out that without this measure, the City Council of Totana would have to face, during 2018, the amount of 4,138,821 euros, in financial debt, while in the case that the Ministry of Finance took into account the proposal put forward by the Socialists, the amount to which the consistory would have to face would be reduced to 2,435,937 euros.
In this regard, they request the Government of Spain to establish necessary financing mechanisms, charged to the Fund for Local Entities, which allows municipalities such as Totana, with serious economic problems, to adjust the return of their financial debts to Gross Savings obtained, without the Theoretical Amortization Annuity, derived from the financial operations pending return, exceeding 10% of the annual current income.
The Socialists want the Ministry of Finance to offer facilities so that the City of Totana can deal with the loans that are currently formalized, since the financing offered by this Ministry presents conditions, such as the payment of the debt in ten years, that they support but that they consider insufficient.
In addition, they have indicated that they are aware that there are municipalities such as Totana, where the financial burden they bear is very high, considering that if these ten years offered by the Ministry were extended to more years or facilitate payment to an annual fee , being a maximum of 10% of the City Council's current revenue, it would be a relief for the municipal coffers.
Finally, they recalled that since the PSOE and since the beginning of this term, is working for the Autonomous Community of Murcia and the Government of the Nation assume the funding that corresponds to them and will continue in this line, as our municipality he needs it urgently.
Source: PSOE Totana