The three municipal groups and the councilor not attached to the City of Totana have raised a joint motion to the regular plenary session in February, in support of equality between men and women on the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day, on March 8 .
In the same the totanero Consistory requires the regional and national governments, as appropriate, the endowment of permanent finalist grants to municipalities of more than 20,000 inhabitants who do not have equality agent and municipalities with regional powers to hire agents of equality .
In addition, an increase in sufficient public spending is requested to start up the measures that we consider necessary in the different administrations, increasing the items that have been reduced in times of economic crisis.
Likewise, it advocates to develop measures to promote effective equality between men and women;
and extend maternal leave from 4 to 6 months, as recommended by the WHO.
For its part, the City of Totana is committed to facilitate with all material, personal and dissemination activities and events convened by the associations present in the Municipal Council of Equality.
It is also going to propose from the Department of Equality the realization of activities of visibility of the necessary struggle in favor of real equality between men and women;
and fly the lilac flag at the City Hall as a symbol of support for the struggle of women.
The joint motion also includes reading the joint Manifesto on the occasion of March 8;
and perform an act of homage to women that are determined from the Municipal Council of Equality
Inequality is the reality that surrounds the lives of women in all parts of the world.
Different degrees or the way it is shown but in each and every one of the societies, cultures and religions, women are still in a subordinate position;
women are still second class citizens.
Real equality between women and men needs an education, a health, a history, a culture, an economy.
focused with a gender perspective.
This can only be achieved through the determined and tenacious will of governments and public institutions.
According to the motion, we must develop public policies aimed at raising public awareness, social and labor measures that position women in a situation of equality, in order to make women become citizens with full rights.
As the proposal states, "we live in a world whose functioning, data and practices encompass them and draw them in these scenarios:
Throughout the world, women earn only between 60 and 75 percent of men's wages in jobs of equal value.
In the Spanish State, the work devoted by women to households, to care and reproduction reaches 53% of GDP, which means that the State places in women a large part of what should be attended to through the public services.
Misogyny runs through culture and science in all its areas.
In art, in literature, in cinema, in mathematics, in biology, in engineering or architecture, women barely exist.
This invisibilization means that women do not appear in the narrative of history and that all their contributions have been and continue to be totally ignored.
Sexual aggressions and rapes, in some cases, have gone from individual criminal acts to group forms that are increasingly present.
The continuous murders of women, which should result in a frontal rejection of this unacceptable reality, that consolidates the construction of an anti patriarchal culture to eradicate this systemic violence in the lives of women.
The thousands and thousands of women and girls trafficked for the sexual consumption of men and their irrefutable connection with the "sex industry" and prostitution.
For these and many more reasons this City Council renews its commitment one more year to continue working to achieve the necessary and fair equality between men and women. "
As every March 8, International Women's Day, we fill the streets fighting against the oppression that women suffer in this system.
Throughout the past year, from different feminist areas, the brutal feminicides suffered have been denounced every month, closing the year 2017 with a total of 60 murdered women and 8 children.
But we know that this is only the tip of the pyramid that makes up all the violence that women workers experience daily.
We suffer other forms of violence, especially if we talk about the workplace, where we are destined to be subject to all kinds of discrimination:
On the one hand, it is women who suffer from wage inequality, discrimination at the time of accessing a job due to the possibility of becoming pregnant, uncertainty due to precarious job stability, the need to demonstrate doubly our abilities, the difficulties that we find to ascend to positions of power and that suppose a ceiling of glass for our labor aspirations, the sexual harassment in the work, etc.
In this same line, the sexual division of labor (developed on the basis of a sexist education) is the key to be able to make a profit at the expense of women, because we are assigned to those tasks that are not socially considered a job as such. and that naturalizes in the heart of the family as is the work of care.
We know that partial contracts and "flexible" are mostly assigned to women, 74.35% to be exact, precisely to submit to this double task, the remunerated, with totally precarious conditions, and the one that takes place in the ho , how is caring for children or other dependent relatives.
In this context, immigrant women are the most vulnerable groups, playing a leading role in the global care chains.
Women, who migrate as a survival strategy of their own home, in the country of destination are in charge of an essential job so that another woman can reconcile their family and work life.
At the same time, their march demands that someone in the country of origin assume the responsibility of providing the care that they can no longer exercise.
They are the most exposed to suffer labor exploitation, added to a double discrimination, because they have to face the harsh oppression that xenophobia supposes, as well as the mere condition of being women.
In relation to migrations, we also want to emphasize that refugee women and girls, in addition to living the terrible conditions that the situation of these people supposes, suffer daily discrimination and sexist violence characterized by sexual abuse and harassment.
We also denounce that these labor inequalities, reproduced even more in a crisis situation, promote violence in the home, because according to statistics, more than half of battered women are unemployed.
This, added to the fact that the number of complaints has fallen since the beginning of the crisis, clearly reveals how this context exacerbates violence against women, since women who suffer male violence can not leave the home because they lack resources or independence. economic
Throughout the world, women earn only between 60 and 75 percent of men's wages in jobs of equal value.
In the Spanish state, the work devoted by women to households, to care and reproduction reaches 53% of GDP, which means that the State places in women a large part of what should be attended through public services.
Misogyny runs through culture and science in all its areas.
In art, in literature, in cinema, in mathematics, in biology, in engineering or architecture, women barely exist.
This invisibilization means that women do not appear in the narrative of History and that all their contributions have been and continue to be totally ignored.
Sexual aggressions and rapes, in some cases, have gone from individual criminal acts to group forms that are increasingly present.
The continuous murders of women, which should result in a frontal rejection of this unacceptable reality, that consolidates the construction of an anti patriarchal culture to eradicate this systemic violence in the lives of women.
The thousands and thousands of women and girls trafficked for the sexual consumption of men and their irrefutable connection with the "sex industry" and prostitution.
For these and many more reasons this City Council supports all the mobilizations that are carried out to demonstrate that the world must be transformed by changing its patriarchal models for models of equality, justice, parity, freedom, diversity and democracy.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana