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The mayor invites the president of the Autonomous Community to visit the site of La Bastida (31/01/2018)

In addition, he has made an invitation to the spokespersons of the parliamentary groups in the Regional Assembly for the same purpose

The mayor of Totana, Andrés García Cánovas, has processed an official invitation to the president of the Autonomous Community, Fernando López Miras, so that he can visit the La Bastida site so that he can know, first-hand, the project and the real financing needs of the archaeological complex.

The first mayor has sent a letter to the head of the regional executive so that, when his institutional agenda so provides, you can visit this emblematic site, of great natural beauty and archaeological value, in order to have an accurate knowledge of the state in which find the work of excavation and musealization of this ambitious project.

This invitation has been extended to the members of the regional government and the spokespersons of the different parliamentary groups (PP, Podemos and Ciudadanos) in the Regional Assembly with the same purpose.

Precisely, on January 22 deputies of the Socialist Parliamentary Group and visited the site of La Bastida, with his spokesman Joaquin Lopez at the head, and demanded that the regional government allocated specific funds to continue the work of digging the budget line for archaeological heritage of the budgets of the year 2018.

In addition, the president of the Regional Assembly, Rosa Peñalver, plans to make an institutional visit this coming Friday February 2 to the most important archaeological site of the Argaric culture of the Peninsula, with about 4,000 years old.

The project "La Bastida", coordinated by archaeologists from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), began to take shape in 2007 and is the result of the confluence of scientific and institutional wills, around which a comprehensive program is articulated. of research, musealization and dissemination.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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