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The councilor of Yacimientos denounces that lies, half-truths and attacks (low blows and "stabbings in the back") work shamelessly on the subject of La Bastida (28/01/2018)

The creation of Platforms is a very interesting method of participation in public life and I will not be the one to question any.

Only, sometimes, Platforms are created whose objective I do not have very clear to me like that "By the Good Name of Totana".

The last plenary (January 25), the spokesperson (See the definition of the RAE and not be taken as an insult that is not), read a statement before the plenary that the councilor of Archaeological Sites was unaware before reading.

Days before, the President of the Platform, Ginés Rosa, had requested the intervention in the Plenary, "with the right to reply".

That is, it was read and we could intervene the members of the Corporation.

That did not happen and someone should explain the reasons why that right was not offered to replicate or the text was not provided to the councilors, members of the Corporation previously.

specifically to those of the Ganar Totana IU Group because I do not know if the rest of the Groups had it.

The text read by the Speaker, did not contemplate a fact that I consider relevant and I will clarify in this first installment.

A few weeks ago, after a meeting of the Councilman Archaeological Sites with the Platform, held at the Casino of Totana, I undertook to study the possibility of financing a money (10500 euros were requested in three months for the UAB) to "continue excavating in La Bastida ".

On January 20, after the consultations with the Auditor and the secretary, and informed the mayor, I sent an email to Mr. Rafael Mico that I transcribe (prior permission to make it public).

This was my email to the Professor of Prehistory at the UAB:

"Totana, January 20, 2018.

Good morning, Rafa.

I feel the delay in sending you the draft of what would be the Extraordinary Agreement to sign and that you proposed to us.

As you know, I have several responsibilities in the Municipal Government;

the closing of the year and the beginning of others, as well as the scarcity of resources to deal with agreements of this nature that, in short, is public money.

The signing of this Extraordinary Agreement, which could not be renewed, entails the previous signing of the Agreement that we have yet to sign in the operation and use of the municipal facilities in the Reservoir.

I think that we agreed on that.

After giving many laps in the budgetary items of the Department, I could get 6,500 euros and that is what I propose, along with the draft agreement that I attached for you to study.

I think that you told us that the UAB always contributes 50% of what we put (City Council).

It would be convenient to reflect everything in the name of transparency before the residents of Totana and the media so that the commitment of both institutions is valued.

I understand that you are looking for financing through companies.

Managements that I do not know and that I have not done on my part because in a message from María Ines, she told me that the Team had decided not to talk to anyone.

I await your news and I remain at your disposal to close this issue as soon as possible.

A greeting and good weekend.

Juan José Cánovas.


If you have no problem, I would like to be able to make public the communications between the Department of Archaeological Sites of Totana and the UAB in order to give maximum transparency and rigor in the information that reaches the true owners of the La Bastida Deposit and the money public: The People of Totana. "

On January 22, 2018, I received this response, by email, from Mr. Rafael Mico:

"Good morning, Juanjo:

I thank you for the response and the effort to find solutions to the current situation.

I explain to you in parts.

Regarding the general agreement, I have been claiming it for several days to the Office of Agreements of my university.

They did not send it to me physically, but over the phone they told me they did not see a problem, although they wanted to add a minor clause.

I trust that they will send it to me tomorrow and I will send it to you quickly.

Regarding the extraordinary agreement, we have to consult it with Management, since, if accepted, we would have to change the plan that is already underway since after Fiestas.

Please leave me a day or two to give you an answer.

Best regards and see you soon.

Rafa "

That is to say, the Speaker of the Platform -among other niceties that I will clarify-, lies or does not tell the truth in his speech in the Plenary without the right to reply on my part.

It is also very curious that the Spokesperson of the PSOE ignores this issue when I mentioned it to her last Thursday and the Alcade was informed by me.

Bad faith or being an undocumented person.

But not only on this topic about La Bastida.

I will clarify concepts publicly as she has done on TV.

It is quite significant that the President of the Platform, Ginés Rosa -in conversation with me yesterday-, does not know that the Department of Reserves is in contact with the UAB to try to sign an Extraordinary Agreement or that the Communiqué "ask for the head of the Councilor because he must be knowledgeable about Archeology ... "

Equal a spoiler serves the Speaker for Councilor of Archaeological Sites in Totana.

Ginés Rosa tells me "that he wrote a part of the Communiqué and that he did not appoint the Councilor at all ..." He also reviewed and modified "El Canoso" (I warn that for years, "Don Vito" advice, I try to write for people intelligent) and let himself be carried away by his inquina towards me.

Does the Speaker act behind the back of the Platform President?

What is the intention to hide the negotiations of the Council with Rafael Mico, as I committed to the Platform at the meeting of the Casino?


I transcribe the proposal of obligations that the UAB proposes in the Draft Extraordinary Agreement.


"... SECOND.- Obligations of the parties.

For its part the City of Totana is committed to:

1º.- Authorize the Autonomous University of Barcelona to perform the tasks of conservation, custody, documentation and monitoring of objects of a movable nature found in the archaeological site of La Bastida during the excavations carried out between 2009 and 2013, and currently deposited in the facilities attached to the site.

2º.- Provide the amount of € 6,500 (with budgetary appropriation, contemplated in item 4321.22799 of the budgets carried over from 2017) in the bank account opened in the name of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in CaixaBank for the co-financing of the actions indicated in the previous point.

For its part, the Autonomous University of Barcelona is committed to:

1 .- Provide resources in terms of specialized personnel and technical and scientific equipment, in both cases funded with own resources in excess of the amount provided by the City of Totana in this agreement, and that complement the contribution of this Consistory mentioned in the previous section.

2º.- To assume the coordination and execution of the tasks related to the conservation and monitoring of the objects of movable nature, UNIQUE AND EXCLUSIVELY, found in the Deposit of La Bastida (Totana, Murcia) during the excavations carried out between 2009 and 2013, and currently deposited in the facilities attached to the aforementioned deposit, property of the Totana City Council.

3º.- The Autonomous University of Barcelona will exclusively safeguard said materials during the working hours maintained in the last annuities (from Monday to Friday, except holidays between 7:30 and 3:30 pm).

4º.- Provide, whenever required by the City Council, information on the work carried out during the term of this agreement.

THIRD.- Duration.

The validity of this Agreement will be 3 months between January 1, 2018 and March 31, 2018, and may be extended or modified by express agreement in writing by the parties with the conditions stipulated in their case.

FOURTH.- Terms and methods of payment

The amount of the referenced amount will be paid into the bank account opened in the name of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in CaixaBank 21. The payment modality will be as follows:

-50% at the time of signing this agreement.

-50% at the stipulated time that this agreement ends.

The Autonomous University of Barcelona will provide the City of Totana with an Economic Report justifying the expenditure made within a maximum period of 90 days from the date on which the City of Totana has completed the transfer of the amount stipulated in this agreement.

The report will collect invoices, legal supporting documents accompanied by documents proving payment to third parties.

If you include workers' fees in it, you will submit contracts, payroll, Tc1, Tc2, RPF and proof of payment of the same.

Always linked to the concrete object of this agreement stipulated in the first point.

FIFTH.- Of the collaboration between the signatories.

The signatories of this document will collaborate at all times, in accordance with the principles of good faith and effectiveness, to ensure the correct execution of the agreement.

In the advertising carried out to disseminate the actions covered by this agreement, the signatory entities must include the shield of the Totana City Council.

Likewise, the entities will be happy to collaborate, in the public acts of diffusion, presentation or end of the activities of this agreement, with the presence of representatives of both entities.

SIXTH.- Monitoring Commission.

The monitoring of the execution of this agreement will be carried out through a joint committee formed by: The councilor responsible for the area or person in which he delegates, City Council technician and a representative of the Autonomous University of Barcelona or person in whom delegate

This commission will meet at the proposal of any of the parties, through a call made by the City of Totana.

SEVENTH.- Applicable regulations.

In everything that has not been foreseen, in this agreement, the provisions of the municipal, autonomous and state regulations in force will be complied with ... "

This is the first part of my answer clarification, that I will continue with others (in this medium and in those that I consider) so that my neighbors know firsthand what lies beneath this "storm", where the lies, half truths and attacks (low blows and "stabbings in the back") work without shame.

Meanwhile, I publicly challenge the Platform for the Good Name of the UAB, which can be assisted by the Spokesperson of the PSOE to a Public Debate, with a neutral moderator and not interested or with hatred to any party, to clarify or debate the concepts that Do not be clear on this topic.

Legally I am a councilor of Archaeological Sites by Delegation of the Mayor, by a Government Political Agreement signed in 2015. The Mayor can listen to his Spokesperson (According, according to his words, 100% with the statement in which my defenestration is requested) and cease breaking the Agreement Win Totana IU-PSOE.

Perhaps the manipulation, lies, vendettas and half-truths, is worth a break as they have done in Moratalla or Cartagena.

Perhaps, as they already considered in 2001, to get rid of Ganar Totana IU and sign a political pact with the UAB, the President of CEBAG, the aspirant Consul who wanted to be Consul instead of the Consul and stayed in Ventrilocuo with fewer votes that Spain in Eurovision and the inestimable help of the "Mass Social Phenomenon and Communication", Larry King, could give him many votes in 2019.

So far and with objective data in hand, in addition to the assessments in political management and various attacks against me, if the PP does not have the Mayor's Office and there is a different Municipal Government is because a Party (Win Totana IU) -with a server on the poster, has advanced (In councilors and votes) and not lost support in the last elections.

The Spokesman does not seem to help raise support for her party in the last elections.

Quite the contrary.

And that is also an objective fact that can be contrasted when the truth is undocumented.

There are several themes left in the air:

The Argaric House (various proposals and scams).

The reasons why it has not been able to open yet?

Process of Adjudication of the Visits to the Deposit.

Process of Works in the Wall.

Proposals of the Department that will materialize in the coming days.

Economic resources of totaneros employed in other tasks.


To be continue...

Juan José Cánovas, councilor of Yacimiento

Source: @jjcanovas

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