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The XCM 2018 Region of Murcia mountain bike circuit has been inaugurated in Aledo with a great success of participation and organization (21/01/2018)

Today, 300 MTB riders have competed for the first round of the Mountain Bike Circuit Region of Murcia in Aledo, which represented many clubs in the Region of Murcia and neighboring provinces, according to sources from the Federation of Murcia. Cycling of the Region of Murcia in a statement.

ISMAEL SÁNCHEZ ADAM, of the 33 BIKE stands with the victory in the men's category with a time of 1 h and 49 minutes, marking a magnificent rhythm, while MABEL GALLARDO GARCÃA is imposed in the female category, forming part of the BICIS BURU ÁGUILAS team with a time from 02:39:47

The Cycling Club Santa Eulalia has organized with great care this test where has spared no detail, starting to distribute numbers from early in the morning and leaving at 09:30 hours.

Classification of the race: MTB Villa de Aledo - Mountain Bike Circuit Region of Murcia XCm.

From the Federation remember that next weekend will take place the second appointment of this XCM Circuit in Totana, and the registrations are still open in Cronomur.

"Acknowledgments to the Organizing Club, collaborating public entities, Civil Protection, Local Police, and to all the runners who have participated in this event today, as well as to the Arbitration team and the Chronometry company for the great work done", they say.

Source: Murcia.com

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