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The Gala Dinner Gala D'Genes Dinner will take place next February 3rd (12/01/2018)

The Gala Dinner Awards D'Genes will be held next February 3rd, which this year also celebrates its tenth anniversary.

During the event, distinctions will be awarded to individuals, companies, groups or institutions that have contributed their bit to improve the quality of life of the group of people with rare diseases or have collaborated and contributed to disseminate the reality of it.

This event will take place in the restaurant Venta La Rat de Totana and the price of the cover has been set at 30 euros for adults and 15 children.

In addition, a zero line has been planned for all those people who want to make solidarity contributions.

For more information about this event or make reservations to attend, interested parties can call 968 07 69 20 or 696 14 17 08.

Source: D´Genes

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