Announcement of the contract for professional services and legal defense of the City Council.
(State SE 29/17).
1.- Procuring entity: General data and data for obtaining the information:
a) Organization: Totana City Council
b) Dependency that processes the file: Contracting Bureau
c) Obtaining documentation and information: Contracting
1. Address: Plaza Constitución, 1, 30850 Totana (Murcia), tel .: 968/418151, Fax- 968/421205
2. Location and postal code: Totana, 30850
3. Telephone: 968-418151
4. Email:
5. Internet address of the contractor profile:
6. Deadline for obtaining documentation and information: date of submission of bids.
d) File number: SE 29/17
2.- Object of the contract:
a) Type: Contract Services
b) Description: Professional services and legal defense of the City Council
c) Place of execution: Municipal district of Totana.
1. Town and zip code, Totana, 30850
d) Term of execution: two years
3rd.- Processing and procedure:
a) Processing: ordinary
b) Open procedure, various award criteria
c) Award criteria: eleventh clause of Administrative Bidding
4.- Bid base budget: € 120,000 = 99,173.55 + 20,826.45 (21% VAT), for the two years.
5.- Guarantees required:
Provisional: 2% of the bid amount, excluding VAT.
Definitive: 5% of the award amount.
6.- Specific requirements of the contractor:
a) Classification: not necessary
b) Economic and financial solvency and technical solvency.
See clause eighth
Administrative Bidding
7.- Submission of offers or requests to participate:
a) Submission deadline: fifteen calendar days from the day following publication of the bid announcement in the BORM.
b) Presentation modality: paper support, official records
c) Place of presentation: City Council of Totana
1. Dependency: Citizen Attention Service (SAC) during business hours (9am to 2pm)
2. Address: Plaza Constitución, 1
3. Town and postal code: Totana, 30850
d) Term during which the tenderer will be obliged to keep his offer:
until the formalization of the contract.
8.º- Opening of offers:
a) Description.
In the Plenary Hall of the City of Totana
b) Address: Plaza Constitución, 1
c) Location and postal code: Totana , 30850
d) Date: see clause 14 Administrative Statement.
The Contracting Committee will be constituted in public session on the fifth business day from the end of the deadline for presentation of the proposals, at 08:30 h.
If said day is non-working, it will be postponed to the next business day.
9.- Advertising expenses: On behalf of the successful bidder.
Totana, December 1, 2017.-The Mayor President, Andrés García Cánovas.
Source: BORM