and Cofradías imparts the course "Qualification of Leaders of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods" in Totana]
Last Friday, November 24, members of the Boards of Directors of the different Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of Totana met in the premises of the headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Veronica to participate in the course of Qualification of leaders of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods.
The two-hour course, which has been held in recent years in different areas of the Region of Murcia, was taught by the Rvdo.
Mr. D. Diego Martínez Martínez, Vice Chancellor and Deputy Secretary General;
as well as by Mr. Marcial Alarcón Martínez, Director of the Delegation of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods, both of the Diocese of Cartagena.
Due to the large number of members of the directives of the Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of Totana, the course was also taught in our town.
The directors of the Fraternities and Brotherhoods could know everything about matters and fiscal, accounting and legal regulations, guidelines that concern the Brotherhoods and Spanish Brotherhoods;
and, very particularly, to those of our region.
They addressed issues of great relevance to the current situation in which public associations are, where it is necessary to know the latest updates given by the State Agencies and Administrations for the proper functioning of all Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods.
Source: Ilustre Cabildo Superior de Cofradías