The Plenary of Totana City Council agreed last night, unanimously, to support the Community of Irrigators of Tajo-Segura Transfer of this town, as well as farmers and their families, urging the Government of Spain to maintain the Tajo-Segura Transfer, putting urgently underway all the necessary measures already proposed to the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment in July this year to ensure the sustainability of this infrastructure as a basic pillar of agriculture and employment in our municipality.
In addition, it was approved to sign the Levantine Manifesto for Water claiming the endurance of the Tajo-Segura Agreement as a basic pillar of the future for our populations, as reflected in the joint motion of the three municipal groups and the non-attached mayor.
The corporates approved, with the votes in favor of the PSOE, PP and Ganar Totana-IU and the abstention of the non-attached mayor, the joint motion of the PSOE and Ganar Totana-IU to propose the United Nations, the European Parliament, the Congress of the Deputies and the Regional Assembly the creation of the institution of the "Defender of the Future Generations".
The Plenary approved, with the votes in favor of the PSOE and Ganar Totana-IU and against the PP and the non-attached mayor, the proposal of the Mayor's Office to reject the allegations presented by the Municipal People's Group to the General Budget of the Totana City Council. the fiscal year 2017, made up of the Budgets of the City Council and of the private municipal companies PROINVITOSA and CEDETO, SL
In this regard, it was agreed to finally approve this and its publication in the BORM, summarized by chapters of each of the budgets that comprise it, in relation to article 169.3 RD Legislative 2/2004, which approves the Revised Text of the Law of Local Treasuries, sending a copy of the general budget definitively approved to the State Administration and the Autonomous Community.
In addition, a green light was given to the motion of the Department of Public Safety, unanimously, to urge the Ministry of the Presidency and its General Secretariat, as well as the Directorate General of Citizen Security and Emergencies, for the completion of the appropriate procedures regarding the payment of the amount of 10,000 euros to the City of Totana, in accordance with the Collaboration Agreement drawn up for this purpose, to subsidize the acquisition of an ambulance for the Civil Protection service of Totana.
Outside the agenda, was approved, with the votes in favor of the PSOE, Win Totana-IU and the council not attached and the abstention of the PP, the proposal of the Mayor's Office to formalize the loan operation from the Fund's sub-fund Ordination due to pending debts with the State Tax Agency and payments to suppliers that are being compensated through withholding of the State Tax Participation.
In this sense, it was approved to formalize a long-term credit operation for an amount of 4,851,069.10 euros, with the financial entity that is designated by the ICO as the manager of the Management Funds brought about by the aforementioned operation. credit and all this within the scope of the Fund of Ordination to which this City Council is attached, to deal with the outstanding debt with the State Agency for Tax Administration and which is being subject to compensation through the application of withholding tax participation of the State.
The proposal also included the formalization of another long-term credit operation for an amount of 30,399,177.43 euros, also, in order to be able to carry out the substitution of the withholding tax on the participation of State Taxes for the cancellation of debts with the Fund in liquidation for the Financing of Payments to Suppliers of Local Entities.
Motions municipal political groups
The Plenary approved the motion of the Popular Group, with the support of the PSOE, PP and mayor not attached and the abstention of Ganar Totana-IU, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution (CE) in 2018.
The proposal included the institutional adhesion of Totana to the commemorative acts that are promoting and coordinating the General Cortes for the celebration on December 6, 2018, and promote from the City Council, together with the schools of the municipality, activities aimed at knowing, celebrating and to value the CE on the part of the children and adolescents of Totana, such as drawing contests, essays, works related to the 40th anniversary of the Magna Carta, and so on.
The green light was given, with the favorable votes of the PSOE and Ganar Totana-IU and against the PP and the non-attached mayor, to the proposed amendment of Ganar Totana-IU to a motion for the City Council to condemn outright acts of violence and vandalism against the works of the AVE in Murcia, which endanger the social and economic development of the Region of Murcia.
The Ganar Totana-IU amendment reflected the institutional rejection of the acts of violence committed at the level of Santiago el Mayor and the police charges, rejecting attempts to blame the neighbors or the Pro-Burial Platform for isolated acts, as well as require the burying of this infrastructure and prioritize public investment in the maintenance and improvement of commuter trains and medium speed, among others.
Also approved the motion of the PP, with the votes in favor of the PSOE, Win Totana-IU, PP and the abstention of the not attached mayor, to provide in the budget of 2018 a greater departure from the 2017 budget for the promotion , dissemination and promotion of Holy Week in order to initiate from the Consistory together with the Illustrious Chapter of Processions the preparation of the Declaration of National Tourist Interest of the Holy Week of Totana, in compliance with the 2015 proposal approved unanimously.
This proposal was improved with an amendment to Win Totana-IU to make the agreement to the extent of the City's economic possibilities.
The corporative ones approved the motion of the Socialist Group, with the amendment of partial substitution of Win Totana-IU, with the votes in favor of the PSOE, Win Totana-IU, PP and the abstention of the non-attached mayor, so that the Entities are allowed Local reinvest their surplus in 2018, without need of legal authorization for that reinvestment and contemplate it in the General State Budgets for the 2018 fiscal year.
In this sense, the amendment of Ganar Totana-IU needed to urge the Ministry of Finance and the Government of the Nation to allow local entities to reinvest all or part of the surplus in 2018 without the need of legal authorization for that reinvestment and contemplate it in the General Budgets for the year 2018.
The councilors approved, unanimously, the PSOE motion to adequately regulate the figure of the Vulnerable Consumer of Royal Decree 897/2017, of October 6;
reinforcing the Concerted Plan of basic social services benefits from the General State Administration to consolidate and develop the structures of primary care social services, as well as their basic functions and benefits, promoting a public system of primary level that allows to attend to all the citizenship.
The proposal of the Socialist Group also includes reforming the Royal Decree regulating the figure of the vulnerable consumer, the social bonus and other protection measures for domestic consumers of electricity;
as well as to include in the PGE a sufficient amount to cover the cost of protection to the vulnerable consumer, so that the cost of the protection measures is not incurred in the territorial administrations holding the social services.
This budget item will be divided among the Autonomous Communities according to the criteria agreed upon by the Territorial Council of Social Services and the System for Autonomy and Care for Dependency.
Likewise, it is proposed to approve, through the agreement of the Territorial Council of Social Services and the System for Autonomy and Care for Dependency, a regulation that prevents the cutting off of gas supply to vulnerable consumers.
Finally, the motion of the non-attached mayor was approved, with the votes in favor of the PP, PSOE and himself and against Ganar Totana-IU, so that several budget items collected in his initiative by the Procurement Department are reviewed corresponding, and look for other providers or if possible only one that enables the reduction of these expenses for future years significantly.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana /