The Local Government Board has recently authorized the expenditure derived from the participation of minors proposed as a priority by the Physical Therapy Service of the Totana educational centers for their participation in the Aquatic Therapy Service with Physiotherapist at the MOVE Sports Center, during the period from October to December 2017.
It will have a maximum of 11 students in an individual session and 4 in a session in pairs, or in another number and distribution provided they do not exceed the budgeted limits with charge to the City Council or the available credit for this period, which amounts to a total of 1,100 euros.
The Local Board has thus given the green light to the joint proposal of the Councilors of Health and Social Welfare, respectively, for the maintenance of the service that has been resumed this term.
From the Physiotherapy Service provided in Totana schools to children with special educational needs, it has been detected the need to extend the same to those cases with a greater need for stimulation, through physiotherapy techniques in the aquatic environment to enhance their psychomotor development.
Experts believe that to achieve progress and positive results in treatment requires a continuity in treatment, at least throughout the school year.
At present, Totana has an indoor swimming pool where this service can be carried out, managed by the Sports Center "MOVE", whose entity is willing to facilitate its facilities to provide the necessary service offering the possibility of developing a weekly session per child, whether in individual therapy or in pairs.
This service is going to keep to the negative repercussion that have in the family economy the diverse treatments and therapeutic supports that fathers and mothers facilitate to their sons and daughters with these special educational needs;
and given the sensitivity that the consistency totanero has with this type of situations and the positive results observed in this project during the year 2016 and the first half of 2017.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana