The Municipal People's Group during the celebration of the regular meeting of September, to be held on Thursday 28, will urge the City Council to show its support to the Regional Government in the defense of the Arrui to stop being classified as invasive species.
The inclusion of the Arrui in this list of invasive species motivated a judgment of the Supreme Court that condemns this mammal to its extermination, with consequent negative economic impact that has meant for many rural areas the inclusion of this species as harmful, being necessary to find a solution to arbitrate the protection of the environment with the activity and use of the hunting sectors in areas where invasive alien species do not pose an environmental problem.
The Regional Government defends, in the line of the Royal Spanish Federation of Hunting and of outstanding specialists, that this mammal can well be described as exotic, since it is not an autochthonous species and was introduced by the man in Sierra Espuña and for more than 40 years, but there are no reasons to integrate the list of invasive species.
This is due to the fact that, according to many scientific documents, their presence does not seriously compromise the environment or displace other species, such as the mountain goat, which is in fact becoming more frequent in the area.
Therefore, the CARM calls on the Ministry to proceed to "discontinue" the arrui as an invasive species which would translate into a kind of "pardon" and save it from the threat of eradication that now weighs on this animal.
All of the above would not prevent the Ministry from continuing to carry out population control tasks, as the Plan of Management of the Natural Park of Sierra Espuña at 300 the number of arruis, compared to the thousand long that according to some estimates still lives in Sierra Espuña.
A few days ago, September 20, at the initiative of the regional PP, the Plenum of the Regional Assembly passed a motion urging the Government of Spain to amend the Law 42/2007 of Natural Heritage and Biodiversity in order to proceed descatalogar arrui as an invasive exotic species.
The motion was supported by Citizens and PSOE abstention and the vote against We.
Therefore from the Popular Party of Totana we urge in the next plenary that the City of Totana express support for the Regional Government in defense for the Ministry of Environment to remove the Arrui from the list of invasive species.
Source: PP Totana / Foto: archivo