From 10 am to 8 pm, this Sunday, September 24, in the House of the People of the Socialist Group of Totana, totanero militants will be able to exercise their right to vote in the primary elections that elect Secretary General of the Socialist Party of the Region of Totana. Murcia for the next 4 years.
Likewise, the Socialist Group of Totana will make available to all socialist sympathizers who so wish, an urn to deposit the vote for one of the candidates that attend these primaries.
This vote will only have a symbolic character, since in these regional primaries, the sympathizing vote is not regulated as such and therefore, it has no valid character.
These socialist primaries are attended by three candidates, one headed by Francisco Lucas Ayala (Pedáneo del Raal), another by María González Veracruz (National Representative for the PSOE) and finally, headed by Diego Conesa Alcaraz (Mayor of Alhama de Murcia).
These primary elections will consolidate a united and strong PSRM-PSOE that will be in disposition to govern the Region of Murcia from 2019 and will change, at last, the nefarious policies that the PP has developed in our region during its governments, that only have brought for the Murcia and Murcia more unemployment, more suffering and more poverty.
Source: PSOE Totana