6420 Approval of the declaration of initiation of the resolution procedure by mutual agreement of the agreement of urbanization of concerted sectorization of urbanizable land sector "La Costera", agreement C-45.
The Local Government Board of the City Council of Totana, in Ordinary session held on July 27, 2017, agreed to approve the declaration of commencement of the resolution procedure by mutual agreement of the agreement urbanization of concerted sectorization of urbanizable land "La Costera" sector, signed by the City Council of Totana, on the one hand, and the commercial companies Ladera de Espuña SL, UCOM, SL, Construcciones Hermanos Palomares, SL and Others, on the other hand.
Which are submitted to public information for a period of twenty days so that any natural or legal person can examine the file, and submit any pertinent allegations (articles 25 of Legislative Royal Decree 7/2015, October 30, and 83 of Law 39/2015).
Totana, September 4, 2017.-The Mayor, Andrés García Cánovas.
Source: BORM / Totana.com