"In May we did so, and today we continue to maintain that it is simply inadmissible to carry out that Wall that will split in two a city and would put an end to the burial promises that neighbors have been listening for years "
In recent weeks, we have witnessed the mass mobilization that has taken place in a massive way, against what is from any point of view an aberration that should not be allowed, to the cry of "I above, the train down" thousands of Murcia and Murcia from all parts of the region have manifested peacefully at the foot of the tracks to demand burial and prevent the construction of the wall with which it intends to split the city of Murcia in two.
The 'Pro Soterramiento' citizens' platform was born after Adif's intentions were made public to begin the construction of a concrete wall of five meters high next to the homes of hundreds of neighbors, and that would divide in two the city of Murcia to allow the implementation of the High Speed ​​without burying the tracks.
As a result of these mobilizations in which thousands of citizens show their support to the affected residents and neighbors, we have also witnessed the bad management of the Government of Mariano Rajoy, in connivance with the Regional Government, also of the PP.
In these concentrations, we have witnessed the violence with which it has been responded by the Minister of Public Works and Government Delegate in our Region, giving the order to act violently to contain and try to dissolve the concentrations.
As a result of these police charges against a peaceful demonstration, a considerable number of people were injured, some of whom had to be transported by ambulance to receive medical attention.
It is curious to see how we respond with violence to demonstrators who are claiming a just cause and fighting for the fulfillment of the promise of burial that Murcia we have heard until the satiety since 2009.
However, from the same government delegation that orders to take drastic measures on this occasion, it is allowed in the month of June demonstration to a neo-Nazi group, who violently burst charged against the collective LGTBI, and far from acting accordingly, this group radical ultra-right neo-Nazi party is "escorted by the National Police and the Local Police", as reported in the news in a regional media.
Again, and especially as a result of the latest events, we want to show our absolute solidarity with the just struggle of the affected neighbors directly or indirectly and our most firmly to the Neighborhood Protestant Platform Protest, as we also manifest our absolute rejection to measures like this and we maintain that the arrival of the AVE to Murcia must be made compatible with the provision of current services and running the works with the greatest security and sufficient time, although that means delaying the arrival of High Speed.
We also believe it is necessary to demand political responsibility from both the Government Delegate and the Minister of Public Works for the disproportionate police charges ordered against the demonstrators.
And start a dialogue between the parties that allows the movement of people with the stop of the AVE in Beniel, as long as the burial of the roads is not undertaken, as promised from the Government and now we demand the Murcia in the Street.
Source: Ganar Totana IU