The event "XVII Charca Grande-Gran Premio Panzamelba" will be held on 30 September and will feature the IV "March to Pié", organized by the Athletic Club of Totana and with the collaboration of the Department of Sports of the City of Totana .
The council of the branch, Isabel María Molino, and the representatives of the Athletic Club of Totana, Salvador Andreo and Susi Andreu, presented the characteristics of this sporting event, with exit and goal in the municipal polideportivo "December 6".
The race has a length of 8.4 kilometers and departs at 18:30 hours;
while the walking walk for the walkers will leave half an hour earlier, at 18:00 hours.
The organization plans to deliver more than 80 trophies in the organized categories of senior A and B;
veterans A, B, C, D, E and F, so that prizes will be awarded for the first three and first in each category and the top ten local male and female athletes.
In addition, a gift will be given to each of the participants on a first come, first served basis, whose registration can be made on the web and has a cost of 10 euros for federated athletes and 12 euros for non federated.
In the last edition were gathered about 300 athletes between the race and the walk, which is the maximum quota planned this year, again, by the organizers.
In fact, this year the Totana Athletics Club is in luck because it received the prize to the most outstanding sporting event of the year 2016 by the Sectorial Council of Sport of this locality.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana /