The Councilor for Sports, Isabel María Molino, has raised a motion to the full regular in September with which it proposes to declare Totana as a City Free from Violence in sport, carrying out a series of actions, such as condemning all acts of violence, racism , xenophobia, machismo, homophobia and intolerance in sport.
In addition, in the initiative of the mayor of Sports is advocated from the Departments of Sports and Education campaigns and training and awareness actions with schools, clubs and sports organizations in the city that include family, players and coaches, addressing the importance of sport values ​​and the prevention of violence in it.
Likewise, municipal sports facilities, banners or other information media, that promote "fair play" and reject violence in sport, will be placed in municipal sports facilities, as well as to study the appropriate legal mechanisms to limit the use and access to sports facilities to individuals or entities that have shown violent or antisocial behavior.
From the Department will work to promote any other measure that favors the fight and prevention against violence, racism, xenophobia, machismo, homophobia and intolerance in sport.
More regrettable acts
School-age sports practice is one of the key elements of the educational process for children and young people.
Sport is therefore considered as one of the most outstanding tools of our society to teach and transmit values, such as: loyalty, solidarity, companionship, equality, overcoming and tolerance.
However, there are more and more acts of violence and clashes that take place on football grounds, pavilions and other sports facilities, as reflected in the motion of the mayor of Sports.
The lack of sportsmanship, aggressiveness and sports violence is manifested in different forms and degrees according to: the personnel involved (athletes, spectators, coaches, ...), the triggering situations (the context of a match, a training, partial score during the match, ...), etcetera.
However, we all have an ethical and moral obligation to raise awareness of the importance of "fair play" in sports.
In order to reduce violence in sports events, a number of organizations have been created to study this phenomenon and to promote education to eliminate the root of this practice.
These include: The International Committee for Fair Play, the International Association for Non-Violent Sport and the International Foundation for Combating Violence Associated with Sport.
The City of Totana by means of the Department of Sports wants to condemn this type of acts and to put in value the really important of the sport practice.
Therefore, and through the actions set out below, it is intended to declare Totana as a City free from violence in Sport.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana