We are at the gates of a sudden change of weather that will translate into low temperatures for this time of year and some showers or storms.
The change has already begun in the north of Spain, but, throughout the day tomorrow, will extend to the whole peninsula (the fall in temperatures, because the rains will only affect the north and the Mediterranean).
Regarding the Region of Murcia, after the sharp rise in temperatures today due to the coming of winds from the west, which have triggered the thermometers above 35 ° in many areas of the interior, tomorrow the situation changes radical form and we will notice a drop in temperatures, which will be noticeable in the Altiplano.
Where they still will not go down it will be on the coast.
In addition, in the afternoon clouds will develop and storms will form inside, locally strong at some point.
Saturday will be the day when the maximum temperatures will hit bottom.
Temperatures will continue to decline markedly throughout the southeast, and specifically in the Region of Murcia, except in the Altiplano, where they will have dropped a lot the day before.
The maximums this day will be below 25º in the Region, and below 20º in the mountains.
In addition, showers and storms that will affect many areas will be likely.
Some might be punctually strong, but short-lived.
The tendency is for the rains to disappear as the afternoon progresses.
Starting Sunday, although in the morning there could still be a weak and scattered shower, the skies will clear and temperatures will rise or remain, depending on the day, but we will no longer recover in the medium term the high maximum values ​​of the latter days.
In general, we will be around 25-27º in the low zones of the Region.
Summer begins to say goodbye.
Little by little we will move away from the high summer values ​​typical of our area.
Source: Protección CiVil Totana