The Local Police of Totana has joined the campaign of the General Direction of Traffic (DGT) that starts today on surveillance and awareness of the use of safety belt and child restraint systems (SRI) that will extend until the day September 17, on the occasion of the beginning of the school year.
Through this campaign, the DGT aims to influence the use of the belt and SRI as the simplest and most cost-effective road safety system in all types of routes and routes, as well as being essential for the airbag to be fully effective.
In fact, the use of the belt reduces the risk of death in the event of an accident by half.
From the Provincial Traffic Headquarters, he insists that the belt "is a life insurance and must always be fastened, both on the road and in the city."
In this regard, remember that occupants of the rear seats are also required to use this device "for their own safety and that of the driver and co-driver", because in a frontal impact the probability that an occupant of the seats of back knocking mortally another passenger of the front seats can be up to 8 times greater.
In fact, not wearing a seat belt is, along with speed and driving under the influence of alcohol, one of the main risk factors on the road.
SRI, the best life insurance of the child
Child restraint systems are imperative to protect babies and children from traffic accidents.
Proper use helps reduce injuries by up to 75% in the event of an accident.
Therefore, one of the objectives of the Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 is to ensure that no child is killed for not being properly seated in a chair suitable for their weight and size.
"SRI are the best life insurance of the child," they point out from the Provincial Traffic Headquarters, noting that "a child without subjection multiplies by 5 the chances of suffering fatal or serious injuries."
In addition, you should never carry a child in your arms or use the adult's seat belt to protect you, point out from the Traffic, after emphasizing that the first and last objective of this campaign of the DGT is "to raise awareness that all occupants of a vehicle must be subject to a suitable restraint system and that its use is useful on any journey, whether short or long, in city or interurban.
Finally, indicate that in the 10 years of application of the Point Permit Law, infractions for not wearing the seat belt / SRI are the second cause (11%) at the national level.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana