The ITVs are born from the need to adapt Spanish legislation to the Community legislation regarding the technical inspections of vehicles. Many consider it only as another "sacacuartos" and nothing more.
In 1987 the ITV became mandatory for all vehicles.
With the network of ITV stations uncovered in Catalonia and other similar cases in the rest of Spain, it has been proven that the ITVs administrative concession system has worked very inefficiently.
Not to say disastrous.
Its management was decentralized and today each autonomous community is dealt with separately to manage.
Another great "advantage" for the consumer that brings you the eternal "coffee for all".
The transfer to the Autonomous Communities for political reasons is turning this public service into a business that will end up falling definitively in the clutches of the private companies closest to the political power and which are usually the most powerful and with better institutional relations.
Leaving an economic benefit for the residual state and depriving the Spaniards of other extra income that could be used for health, education, etc ..., but the prevailing liberal economic system, does not like much that of public companies and that these are property of all Spaniards for their benefit.
Instead of being a handful of concessionaire companies to distribute the loot.
That of the public companies is thing of "red" and is very frowned upon.
Look at France or Germany and see how clever they are.
Let the Spanish political parties say what they say about it.
At the end of July this year, the president of the Murcia association of consumers and users (Consumur), Roberto Barceló, issued a statement in which he stated that "liberalization of ITVs in the Region, as is occurring in other Communities , is another example of the unstoppable process of privatization we are witnessing in basic productive sectors that require a stable rate and a guarantee of services that avoid their commodification over a price war.
With the beginning of the year disappeared from our ITVs and legislation through modification by royal decree, the principle of incompatibility that IMPEDIA to many companies as dealers, large chains of workshops, etc., participate in the exploitation of ITVs, as it was a little ugly that he would "inspect" his own vehicle without effective control of the state administration.
Consumur said that final approval of the draft Decree would mean "negative consequences for consumers and users", and that the quality and tariffs of the service could be altered with the application of the Regional Decree, so he defended the stops of Murcia stations in protest.
The organization therefore called for maintaining "a public service whose main objective must be to guarantee the road safety of citizens", and considers that its regulation should not be left in private hands.
From AECA-ITV (the Spanish Association of Collaborating Entities of the Administration in the Technical Inspection of Vehicles) the garments were already torn before a measure that went against the current with the sense that must have the technical inspection of a vehicle, to leave in private hands a "sovereign public function" under a private management model that is apparently being copied from other parts of Europe and Latin America.
The question would then be, but was ITV not privatized for many years?
You are right.
Most of the service stations already belong in their vast majority to private companies in collaboration with the State: Itevelesa, SGS, Applus and some others.
These companies, associated with the AECA-ITV and no one likes to come another to stick their hand in their fief.
So neither the AECA-ITV itself seriously defends the principle of "sovereign public function" that manifests, under the principles that must be given.
ITV will be in Totana, but no one believes in this nice argument that privatization will lead to greater competition and therefore lower prices and generate more jobs.
I refer, for example, to the electric utilities, by telephone, without physical offices or personnel, and tariffs? Those that come to them because they are agreed to create large monopolies in the shade and thus eliminate the concept of competition that we could benefit.
Let's not be innocent.
Extremadura users, who had the cheapest inspections in Spain, have already seen how two stations have gone from public management (Gpex) to private (Vega Baja) and have increased their rates between 5 and 10 euros.
In short, and as they demonstrate from the AECA-ITV, the liberalization of the sector consists of putting the wolf to take care of the sheep, since in a same workshop they will be able to make the inspection and make the "necessary" arrangements.
Well, for that, they already have the "sheep".
The same sheep that now want to share among some more and is in that deal, is where the political parties do not agree and we have served the controversy.
Those affected by the real lack of service and those who have to travel hundreds of miles to "comply with the homeland", or we know the result if we are "caught" without the last ITV, we are the always, the "sheep."
And the direct culprit of this, is our State by the abandonment of its functions by political interests and the promotion of private businesses that escape to us of our understanding most of the times.
Because in the end the intention is clear, that every branch of productive and public business profitable, fall into private hands according to the prevailing political-economic line.
Source: Juan Carlos Carrillo / Foto archivo