These motions will be defended by the Councilors of the Municipal People's Group during the celebration of the regular plenary of July of the City of Totana, tomorrow July 27
From the Popular Municipal Group we present to the plenary of the present month four motions for its defense and take into consideration so much by the City council, the Regional Government or the National Government in his case
Firstly, and considering that children and adolescents affected by cancer suffer from general side effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, bone marrow transplantation, and general illness for a long period of time. .).
The limitations they cause have a very significant impact on the performance of the daily activities of children and their families, which leads them to suffer a disadvantage that is fully included in the definition of disability proposed by the Organization World Health Organization.
A peculiarity of the group of children and adolescents with cancer is that the effects that initially condition serious limitations disappear at the end of treatment, although other sequelae resulting from treatment and the disease itself persist.
Therefore an assessment of the initial disability at the time of diagnosis and the start of treatment and another assessment after the end of treatment should be made and reviewed at appropriate intervals.
Children and adolescents with cancer suffer from a disability from the first day of treatment.
Therefore we will urge the Government of the Nation to unify the criteria used by the assessment teams when applying the scale to children with cancer, since it is fair that the assessment and qualification of degree of disability, which affects Persons, be uniform throughout the Spanish territory, thereby guaranteeing equality of conditions for the citizen's access to the benefits, economic rights and services that public bodies grant.
In addition to being applied uniformly and specific indications are made at national level so that cancer patients can be "reviewed" on a case-by-case basis depending on the course of the disease and treatment and, exceptionally, Non-face-to-face assessment;
A degree of disability of 33%.
It should be remembered that the administrative recognition of disability seeks to compensate for the social disadvantages that disability implies by providing access to standard rights and benefits, with a view to equalizing opportunities.
We also propose the defense of the Unity of Spain, since the Spanish Constitution, as stated in its second article, "is based on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation, common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards, and recognizes and guarantees the Right to the autonomy of the nationalities and regions that integrate it and the solidarity between all of them ".
We intend to defend the unity of Spain as a Nation of free and equal citizens as well as defend national sovereignty and respect its integrity against any attempt to referendum of secession of a part of the national territory.
A third motion will be in reference to the promotion of both women's and men's sport, as we consider that although there are clear social advances of women in all areas, but despite the apparent equality of opportunities between men and women, there are Obstacles to effective equality.
Sport, as an activity fully integrated in our society is not alien to this reality
Sport and physical activity, because of their educational and media potential, are an engine of social change and have long contributed to promoting equality between women and men, although according to the most recent studies in this area they reflect that there are still important differences In terms of female participation and representation in sport.
We believe that it is fundamental to promote equality in sport, taking into account the differences between women and men, but without limiting their possibilities
We want a future with more women who enjoy sport and the benefits it brings, as well as a greater number of women involved in all aspects of physical activity and sport: management and management, training, arbitration, Journalism, training, research and sports practice. We therefore urge campaigns to promote women's sport, both grass-roots and competition, in all areas of politics.
And last but not least, we will urge the Regional and National Government to establish additional measures to reinforce those already adopted by the Ministry of Water, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries based on the Plan of Contingency against Sylella fastidiosa established by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment.
And to intensify controls at the points of entry of both plant material and control of travelers and ask the European Commission to strengthen the phytosanitary protection policy to prevent the entry of new harmful organisms that endanger our environmental heritage And the socio-economic viability of our municipalities.
Xylella fastidiosa is a harmful quarantine organism that affects more than 300 plant species, among which are agricultural species such as olive, almond, citrus fruits and vine, among others.
Since its appearance in Europe, specifically in the region of Abulia (Italy) in 2013, its dispersion in Europe has reached epidemic levels with new outbreaks occurring in various areas of France in 2015, Austria 2015, Germany 2016 and in December of this last year In Spain in the Balearic Islands.
Many of the foci are related to the importation of ornamental species from the American continent where this bacterium is widely spread, as has been the case of coffee plants, polygala, etc.
Due to the fragile phytosanitary status of the European Union regarding the introduction of vegetables.
The presence of this bacterium causes real social, economic and environmental problems since the eradication programs established by the European regulations force to eliminate all the sensitive plants that are within a radius of 100 meters (3.14 hectares) that are affected Or not and the immobilization of vegetables within a radius of 10 kilometers.
The recent appearance a few weeks ago of a focus a few kilometers away from our Community, in the town of Guadalest (Alicante) on an almond plantation, poses a phytosanitary risk for our plantations in such an emblematic crop in the most depressed areas of our community And that intervenes in a very direct way in the economic and social fabric, in addition to having an important role in environmental issues such as the fight against erosion and maintenance of the landscape.
We have therefore considered it vital that the necessary measures be taken in order to avoid such a pest.
Source: PP Totana