Good atmosphere, fun and coexistence were the predominant notes of the day that the Association of Rare Diseases D'Genes held recently to dismiss the course.
Members of D'Genes, relatives, members of the board, volunteers and workers gathered last Saturday at the beach of the Ermita de Puerto de Mazarrón where they enjoyed an intense day of sun, beach, water activities, games and above all Much coexistence.
With this activity the association dismissed the present course, a perfect finishing touch to the same one that served to foment the relations and to strengthen the bonds between the members of the great family D'Genes.
Also on the same day was the II Encounter of Families Fragile X, which could be possible thanks to the work of the group D'Genes X Fragile, framed in the Association of Rare Diseases D'Genes and that is specifically charged In working to improve the quality of life of people living with this pathology, some of the rare diseases with the highest prevalence in the Region of Murcia, where there are more than 350 cases diagnosed according to the Information System in Rare Diseases.
The day allowed to generate a frame of coexistence between families and to develop this activity of family respite in which there was no shortage of games, fun and aquatic activities.
Source: D´Genes