On Friday, June 2, the "8th Minimarket of the Region of Murcia" took place.
This event, which involved 2,600 students from 75 centers in the Region of Murcia, is part of the EJE Project, which carry out in the IES Prado Mayor the students of 4 ° "A" of compulsory secondary education and who attend The subject of "Initiation to Entrepreneurial and Entrepreneurial Activity".
As Carolina Costa, from the administrative department of the IES "Prado Mayor" of Totana , informs us, thanks to this project, the students have created a cooperative called DIYOR and have carried out all the work of this type of society.
First they constitute it with a determined number of partners (students) and they contribute each of them, a social capital (10,00 €).
Then the tasks are divided designing an organization chart and creating the Statutes of the Society, setting the guidelines for the company.
After making a catalog of the products they are going to market and from the "Valnalón" platform, they were assigned a cooperative partner, in this case, a school in Gijón, establishing with them, commercial relations and product exchanges.
With this initiative, they also study how a company is financed and what actions of the marketing plan are carried out.
Finally, the cooperative and benefits are dissolved, a percentage goes to social purposes and the rest is shared among the partners.
In this way, the students become real aware of the business world.
As a follow-up activity, students from ESO's 4th "A" and first-year students of the "Medium-level" of "Administrative Management" visited last April the headquarters of the Bank of Spain in Murcia and attended a talk on "Economy and Marketing "organized by the CEEIM (Center of Innovative Entrepreneurs of Murcia) in the classroom BMN of Cajamurcia.
Source: Totana.com