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Deitania School turns to AFACMUR (31/05/2017)

All part of what was known as "AFACTOUR", which consisted of a route through the different classes where the students were informed and made aware of: oncology, what is AFACMUR, how we can help, among other topics.

The purpose of this public school in Totana is twofold.

On the one hand, to develop an optimum holistic education of students, which is based on a consolidated basis of human values ​​such as: solidarity, empathy, generosity, will, surpassing, etc.

On the other hand, to help as much as possible in terms of economic donation to AFACMUR (Association of Families of Children with Cancer of the Region of Murcia), thus supporting the great work they develop daily in order to achieve the well-being of the hospitalized child and their families.

For this, the school has set up a solidarity sales stand, where during these days the entire educational community has been able to buy bracelets from the association and tickets for the lingerie parade and bathing clothes that will take place next Friday 2 Of June in the auditorium Marcos Ortiz de Totana .

Also note that one of the main goals of this experience is to encourage and support children who are experiencing this disease.

This will be through a video clip of the song "Warriors against the fear" of the group "Pygmalion Effect", in its filming is participating the whole school Deitania.

The end result of this experience.

That is, the video clip and the money raised will be able to know very soon.

But it is necessary to add that the sales rhythm and the involvement of the entire educational community with "Meraki, from children to children" is exceeding expectations.

"Hopefully and the experience that is developing the Deitania school is seed, so that from it come new proposals similar."

One of the promoters of this experience affirms.

Source: Totana.com

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