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The Consistory totanero subscribes an agreement to start a service of reception and aid to pets in situations of risk Is the second that is promoted in the Region (31/05/2017)

The Mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas, today signed a collaboration agreement with the head of the mercantile "Ambulancias de Lorca", Fernando Perez, for the implementation of a project consisting of the implementation of a collection service and Shelter of animals at risk.

This initiative has been promoted by the Department of Health, whose holder Isabel María Molino was also present at this event, as well as the person in charge of the "Amar" project, which is what is called this program, Angel Navarro, who explained the details of the Provision thereof.

They explained that this initiative allows the reception, assistance and collection of animals in specific circumstances, such as domestic animals of patients injured in traffic accidents "in itinere", patients sick or disabled in their home.

The project, which has an altruistic character, is part of the actions of corporate social responsibility that has been promoting the company and the social need that had captured the professionals of the health transport company by the users, explained its manager , Fernando Pérez.

Basically, these are people who are in a situation of urgent need, whether due to traffic accident, hospitalization or disability that prevents the owner or owner of the pet to take care of the animal and that can put at risk the integrity of the animal, Providing for their veterinary care and assistance when necessary.

The telephone number for the pet pickup service is 968-477070.

This social project is being developed by this company already in Águilas, so that Totana is the second municipality to be lent, according to Molino, who expressed his satisfaction at the fact that Totana is "at the forefront" in rights animals.

According to the mayor of Sanidad, the collaboration of the City Council totanero will focus on contributing to the project, through activities of institutional support and dissemination in the media and institutional social networks, as well as training and inform the staff of the Department of Security Citizenship, Health and Social Welfare of the existence of this solidarity project and the services that are offered in solidarity.

In addition, as the mayor informs, in order to guarantee a good praxis in the management of the service, will have the direct and habitual advice of the legal professionals, veterinarians, animal protection entities, etc. with which the project counts, as collaborators Experts and who have a collaboration agreement signed with this project, that mark the correct guidelines to follow, in general or in specific cases that could occur.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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