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Start of works to collect and evacuate rainwater in a section of the street Teniente Pérez Redondo (31/05/2017)

Rainwater collection and evacuation works on a section of Teniente Pérez Redondo street began this week and are forcing residents to access garages outside the opening hours of the day.

The Councilor for Infrastructure, Víctor Balsas, recalls that the Local Government Board awarded the minor contract for the collection and evacuation of stormwater in a section of Teniente Pérez Redondo street until the street of Los Arcos to the mercantile "Pavimentos Asfálticos Lario, SL" for the amount of 17,319.41 euros.

The Autonomous Community has granted a subsidy to the City of Totana within the Plan of Works and Services for the 2016 for the execution of these works, although the Consistory can not execute with its own means;

And it is for that reason that it realizes said minor contract of works.

The works consist of the execution of a collecting chest of pluvial water with dimensions of 2.50x2.50x0.90 meters that connect this one with the ravine of Los Arcos by means of four tubes of diameter 400 millimeters of PVC, in order to evacuate the waters that Can accumulate in this point of the TENiente Pérez Redondo street, says the mayor of Works.

The chest is situated in front of the entrance of the garajede community of owners of the building between the streets Alhama, Gonzalo Torrente Ballester and Teniente Pérez Redondo, which will force neighbors and users to use outside the working hours of the operators of this performance.

The proceedings are scheduled to start on Tuesday, May 30, with work hours from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. In addition, it is planned to place a metal platform in the door of the garages for entry and exit vehicles, but this should Be outside the hours specified above, because within this will not be possible access to them.

Finally, the works also include the demolition and subsequent purification of the section of Teniente Pérez Redondo Street between the Gonzalo Torrente Ballester and Alhama roads.

Although the maximum execution time of the works is one month, it is expected that they can be executed in a shorter term, minimizing the inconvenience for the neighbors of the area.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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