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The PSOE welcomes the refinancing of the usury loan signed by the PP (30/05/2017)

From the PSOE we want to show our satisfaction by the management of the Government Team that has allowed to refinance one of the loans that bleeding the municipal budget and that, inexplicably, was signed by the PP in ruinous conditions for the City council of Totana

The critical economic situation to which they turned to our city council, lousy deals like this, loan signing usury for which the PP did not respond, are the cause, among others, of the huge debt that today suffers Totana and its city council.

For this reason, since the first day of this legislature, the first and unavoidable objective of the new government team has been the incessant search for financing routes that would make it possible to start paying that debt and prevent the collapse of the municipal administration and gradually Correcting the structural deficit of the municipal budget, an arduous and time-consuming task.

Likewise, we would like to point out to our government partners that what is really important is to have the municipal debt be refinanced under conditions that can be assumed by our city council and not treat citizens as children "selling" the idea of That PP and PSOE voted twice against the Adjustment Plan.

The PSOE never voted against said Adjustment Plan, voting against the privatization of the Water Service that, rashly, the mayor linked to said Plan.

That it was the councilors of the government team who approved the Adjustment Plan for our city council without which the mayor, as the first local authority, could not carry out any management and that it is not convenient to enter into electoral strategies like we do not do with The PGMO that yes is voted in favor by PP and Ganar Totana-IU.

Let us work with seriousness and rigor and leave the party strategies for the electoral campaigns.

Source: PSOE Totana

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