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Municipal authorities close training program for Social Inclusion (FORIN) (30/05/2017)

Municipal authorities have recently closed the training program for Social Inclusion (FORIN) promoted by the Department of Welfare, which, during the past year, have processed a total of 51 files, of which 45 finalized the project.

The mayor, Juan José Cánovas, accompanied by the councilor of Social Welfare, Javier Baños, and the ediles Carlos Ballester and Ana Cánovas have delivered the diplomas to the participants in the program.

This is a municipal program, which was launched in 2012 in Totana, and is intended for the promotion and inclusion of people through their incorporation and participation in occupations actions, developing through the Accompaniment for Social Inclusion (PAIN).

The remunerated training practices have been developed in a total of five centers and municipal units, and at this time have been granted 18,273 euros in scholarships for daily attendance.

The duration of the training period, which currently involves six people, is approximately one and a half months, with participants taking a total of 120 hours of training.

The experience is valued, as explained, positively by both the participants and those responsible for the resources of various entities and social agents of Totana, as it provides a constructive and positive alternative by encouraging social participation and encouraging the educational nature of the service center social.

The users have carried out their formative phase in the councils of Services to the City and Culture, the Day Center for Mental Illnesses "Princesa Letizia", ​​the Day Center for People with Intellectual Disability "José Moyá Trilla" and the Day Center for Older people in the Balsa Vieja square.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana / Totana.com

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