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City Council members of Totana participate in the rallies of rejection to the machista murders of the past weekend (30/05/2017)

The councilors of the municipal government of the City of Totana, the mayor of Equality Eulalia Moreno, Ana Maria Cánovas and Gertrudis Ruiz, participated yesterday in the rallies held in Murcia and Lorca repulsed by the sexist murders that were held last weekend , One of them in Molina de Segura;

And claiming a State Paco against Gender Violence.

The concentrations, which were also attended by municipal techniques from the Consistory totanero, took place in the Plaza de Belluga in the capital of Segura and in the Plaza de España de Lorca.

Twenty-seven women have been killed at the hands of their partners or ex-partners so far this year, eight more than in the same period of 2016. The Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, in this last count, adds the loss of Young Molinese Beatriz Ros and the two women who were also killed this weekend in Madrid and Collado Villalba.

Of the twenty-seven fatalities, only five (18%) had reported their aggressor;

In addition, four requested and obtained protection measures, and in three of the cases these were in force when the crime was committed.

In the Region of Murcia, the network of regional resources for gender-based violence last year addressed 3,356 women, of whom 2,100 were accessing this resource for the first time.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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