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Renewed the Board of the Association of Neighbors of the hamlet of El Paretón-Cantareros (30/05/2017)

The Council of Citizen Participation reports that the Board of Directors of the Association of Neighbors of El Paretón-Cantareros, which will preside over Brenda Andreo Crespo, has been renewed this past weekend, replacing in this position Isabel García Merinos, current councilor of The Municipal Corporation.

In addition, the new management team is formed by Laura Crespo Camacho (secretary), Natalia Merinos Periago (treasurer) and the members José Fuentes Merinos and Juana Osete Romera.

The meeting to renew the directive was held in the hall of Los Cantareros, and the new Board of Directors plans to convene in the coming weeks a meeting of neighbors to give an account of the operation of new managers and their objectives.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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