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The Arrixaca Tropical Medicine Unit celebrates an informative day in "La Cárcel" dedicated to Chagas disease (30/05/2017)

The Regional Unit for Tropical Medicine at the Virgen de la Arrixaca University Clinical Hospital celebrates a week of activities dedicated to Chagas disease, which includes an informative day on Friday, June 2 (8:00 p.m.) ), In the theater of the Sociocultural Center "La Cárcel".

Chagas disease is a parasitic disease recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the 13 most neglected tropical diseases in the world.

The purpose of these activities is to spread the importance of combating and eliminating tropical diseases.

The Mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas, met a few weeks ago with the director of the Tropical Medicine Unit of the Arrixaca, Dr. Manuel Segovia, who is also a professor of Microbiology at the University of Murcia, in order to coordinate the Joint actions that allow the organization of this information session in Totana.

The medical follow-up of a disease as serious as Chagas disease is achieved, among other initiatives, thanks to the information campaigns that, driven by the Ministry of Health with the collaboration of patient associations and the media, are intended To potentially infected persons.

In addition, on June 4, the annual open day of the Tropical Medicine Unit will be held, which will open on Sunday to facilitate access to patients.

The objective of this initiative is to reach all affected by this disease and enable early treatment to avoid complications derived from this and its congenital transmission.

Five professionals

The Regional Unit of Tropical Medicine, integrated since its creation in the Network of Research Cooperative in Tropical Diseases of the Institute of Health Carlos III, is directed by Dr. Manuel Segovia, head of Microbiology Service of the Arrixaca.

In it work five professionals: two doctors specialists in Tropical Medicine, a nurse, a researcher and a secretary.

The diagnosis of the disease is easily performed through a blood test.

The sooner it is done, the better the patient's prognosis.

Several drugs are available for treatment.

The most effective and unique authorized in Spain in Benznidazole, a very expensive medicine, which is financed almost one hundred percent by the Murcian Health Service.

According to WHO estimates, this disease affects between eight and twelve million people and causes about 12,500 deaths each year.

In Latin America it is transmitted mainly by the bite of a bedbug that feeds on the blood of animals and humans.

In Spain the possible route of transmission is from mother to child, since other infection routes (donations of blood and organs) are controlled.

All patients diagnosed in the Region are closely monitored in order to detect early possible cardiological or digestive complications that may occur and, in addition, the diagnosis and treatment of possible coinfections is performed.

Source: Ayuntamiento de Totana

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