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Win Totana-IU: "The Mayor achieves savings of more than 5 million euros and a 6% interest reduction" (29/05/2017)

"This is the famous BBVA loan worth € 13,504,864.64, with a fixed interest rate of 6.5% and a" Clause of Rupture "of € 8,731,437 and which meant a heavy burden for the municipal coffers"

On Wednesday, May 24, the Mayor formalized the last refinancing operation of one of the loans we met in June 2015 upon our arrival at the Government Team.

"This is the famous loan from BBVA, an operation that the Popular Party of Martinez Andreo signed in 2010 and since then was dragging, since they did not pay the payments onwards.This loan in the amount of 13,504,864 , € 64, a fixed interest rate of 6.5% and a "disruption clause" of € 8,731,437 should never have been signed, since in 2012, it was the Ministry of Finance itself that informed the municipality of the situation by writing And was ordered to cancel it immediately because it was very burdensome and detrimental to the municipal coffers, an order that was ignored both by the former mayoress, Isabel Maria Sánchez Ruiz and by her councilor for Finance, María José Baeza, who Continued with this loan in usury conditions for the City Council. "

As of June 13, 2015, five years after it was signed by the PP, the situation of this loan was as follows: capital outstanding, € 13,054,126.54.

Unpaid installments, interest and expenses, € 1,716,322.60.

And breakage fee.

€ 8,731,437 totaling € 23,501886.10.

That is, the Popular Party did not pay a single cent in 5 years and had increased the debt of the initial loan by more than 1,200,000 €.

"After much effort and hard negotiations with the bank, the Ministry of Finance and the Directorate General of the Treasury, the Mayor has managed to refinance this loan for, with a total saving of € 5,075,556 for totaneros and a Acceptable interest for our delicate situation, lowering it from the 6.5% that the PP signed in 2010 to 0.44% today. "

This operation comes to close the refinancing of the millionaire loans left by the PP to the town of Totana.

Once again it is shown that seriousness and firmness, speaking to neighbors and neighbors as adults and explaining with transparency, is bearing fruit.

Although we have a long way to go to definitively return the very serious economic situation that left us after 12 years of poor management of the PP in Totana.

The Adjustment Plan (which was rejected twice in Plenary by PSOE and PP) is the reference and the fundamental axis for the Ministry of Finance to consider our seriousness and for the granting of present and future aid that we need to redress the situation Towards economic stabilization and debt control.

Source: Ganar Totana IU

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